Women farmers by choice. An ethnographic research into female agricultural workers in the mountain of Como Province

2 Cristina_montagna
February 7th, 2014

Women farmers by choice. An ethnographic research into female agricultural workers in the mountain of Como Province is a research project carried out by AVoce in collaboration with Donne in  Campo Association - that represents women inside Italian Confederation of Farmers – with a funding from Camera di Commercio, Industria, Artigianato e Agricoltura della provincia di Como (C.C.I.A.A.).

The aim of the project is to understand who female farmers are and what they do, in other words to consider their identities, how they look at themselves, with special attention for their work, their practices and skills and the relationships they are able to maintain inside and outside the farms.
We are interested in enlighting the relationships between women, agricolture and mountain by looking at transformation, innovation, continuity e changings inside female farms.

Research staff: Riccardo Apuzzo, Chiara Nicolosi (of Donne in Campo Lombardy), Bianca Pastori, Sara Roncaglia and Diego Ronzio.

Here below it is possible to see some extracts of the interviews we collected during the research.

Cristina Binda (Rezzago – CO) Azienda agricola Cassina Enco

Michela and Sonia Maldini (San Siro di San Martino – CO) Azienda agricola San Martino

Maria Ida Anghileri (Garlate – LC)  Azienda agricola Il Ronco

Matteo Bianchi and Marisa Del Vecchio (Schignano – CO) Agriturismo La Pratolina

Sofia Montorfano (Cantù – CO) Azienda agricola biologica San Damiano

This content is also available in: Italian

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